Pastor Dave

What drives me?

The passion of my life is a God-given desire to preach and teach the Scriptures so that Jesus Christ will be encountered by those who hear – some for the first time, some for the thousandth time.  But the encounter with Jesus Christ will change them in some way – some to a very real new birth, and others to another step of growth as a follower of the Lord. 

I was raised in New England in the home of a World War II Marine veteran whom God called to be a Baptist pastor.  Dad and Mom modeled faithfulness to Jesus and the gospel message and at an early age led me to faith in a living Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the free gift of eternal life.

After a 4-year hitch in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, the G.I. Bill allowed me to further my education – Liberty University (BS in History), Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (DMin).

For 35 years I had the privilege of pastoring the Immanuel Baptist Church in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Upon “retirement”, I began a second career as chaplain to the residents and staff at Inspiration Ministries, a Christian residential care community for adults with disabilities.  I continue to serve there part-time.  On September 1, 2020, I joined Pastor Matt and the congregation at Pleasant Prairie Baptist Church as the Associate Teaching Pastor (part-time).

Judy and I have been married for 49 years (the big 50 in 2021!) and have four grown children and eleven grandchildren.

I encourage you to visit Pleasant Prairie Baptist Church.  And when you do, please introduce yourself to me – I’d love to meet you.